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3D Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
We use one of the most powerful 3D CAD (Computer Aided Design) software to execute the design and 3D modelling of our fins. This technology enables us to create a precise parameterize 3D model for each fin. This 3D model is flexible for modifications and gives us, following our numerical and physical tests, a large possibility for change until we get an optimized design.
Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
The fin torsion has a major impact on the fin performance. We need to calculate the Flex and the Twist of the fin to analyse this behaviour. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is then done on the 3D model to get these results.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Our most important numerical test to get an optimized performance fin is the CFD. With these results we can analyse the water flow on the fin, the lifting characteristic, the drag effect and the spinout relative to the angle of attack. From these tests we can optimize the Foil and the profile of the fin to get the best performance as possible.

Final test … our PRO RIDERS !!!
We can have the best technological tools available on the market right now, but this final test is for us the more important of all… our MAKANI Team pro rider’s feedbacks. Following tests on the water, we analyse the behaviour of the fin, compare this performance with our numerical tests (FEA & CFD), and modify the design in order to get the top fin.